Webhooks - Opportunities


When Opportunities come through Analytics they can be subscribed to using a Webhook.

The following is an example of a Opportunities response.

{ "WebhookType": 2, "WebhookTypeName": "Opportunity", "Opportunity": { "Id": "ff9715b1-2a83-4caf-a6db-1296e7118ab2", "OpportunityDateTimeISO": "2023-08-18T00:00:00.000000", "Value": 100.0, "RaId": "", "Email": "<Email_Here>", "PhoneNumber": "", "Payload": "", "PipelineStage": "stage one", "Labels": ["test"], "CurrencyCode": "GBP" }, "Conversion": { "ConversionType": "Form", "Id": "19243a07-67ff-471e-9631-e22173dbdcd7", "FormCapturedDateTimeISO": "2023-08-17T12:40:27.765100", "FormUrl": "https://www.ruleranalytics.com/book-demo-step-2", "Payloads": [{ "Key": "/__doc_title", "Value": "Book a Demo Step 2" }, { "Key": "/__h1", "Value": "Before you book, help us get to know you better" }, { "Key": "first-name-demo", "Value": "<First_Name_Here>" }, { "Key": "last-name-demo", "Value": "<Last_Name_Here>" }, { "Key": "organisation-demo", "Value": "ruler analytics" }, { "Key": "email-demo", "Value": "<Email_Here>" }, { "Key": "Form", "Value": "Book-a-demo" }, { "Key": "/__rulerFormSignatureX", "Value": "<Signature_Here>" } ], "WebSessionCapturedDateTimeISO": "2023-08-17T12:40:14.737200", "WebSessionBrowser": "Edge 115.0.1901", "WebSessionOperatingSystem": "Windows 10", "WebSessionDevice": "Other", "WebSessionReferrerHost": "", "WebSessionReferrerUrl": "", "WebSessionH1": "Before you book, help us get to know you better", "WebSessionPageTitle": "Book a Demo Step 2", "WebSessionUrl": "https://www.ruleranalytics.com/", "Identifiers": [{ "Key": "EmailAddress", "Value": "<Email_Here>" }, { "Key": "RaId", "Value": "<RaId_Here>" }, { "Key": "RemoteAddress", "Value": "<IP_Address_Here>" } ], "Visitor": { "Id": "6a44bba1-5ddf-45c6-931d-a3d51e8079dd", "Url": "<URL_Here>", "Identifiers": [] }, "Metrics": { "PageViewsCount": 27, "SessionsCount": 10, "AverageSessionDuration": 13.4 }, "FirstClick": { "LandingPageUrl": "https://www.ruleranalytics.com/book-demo-step-2", "UrlQueryStrings": [], "Segments": [{ "Key": "browser", "Value": "Edge 112.0.1722" }, { "Key": "device", "Value": "Other" }, { "Key": "landing page", "Value": "www.ruleranalytics.com/book-demo-step-2" }, { "Key": "marketing channel", "Value": "NotApplicable" }, { "Key": "marketing source", "Value": "Direct" }, { "Key": "operating system", "Value": "Windows 10" }, { "Key": "referrer", "Value": "www.ruleranalytics.com" }, { "Key": "source category", "Value": "Direct" } ] }, "LastClick": { "LandingPageUrl": "https://www.ruleranalytics.com/", "UrlQueryStrings": [], "Segments": [{ "Key": "browser", "Value": "Edge 115.0.1901" }, { "Key": "device", "Value": "Other" }, { "Key": "landing page", "Value": "www.ruleranalytics.com/" }, { "Key": "marketing channel", "Value": "NotApplicable" }, { "Key": "marketing source", "Value": "Direct" }, { "Key": "operating system", "Value": "Windows 10" }, { "Key": "source category", "Value": "Direct" } ] }, "ChronologicalTouchpointSources": ["Direct","Bing Organic"], "LatestCookies": [{ "CookieName": "cookie-one", "CookieValue": "cookie-one-value", "CapturedDateTimeISO": "2023-04-20T16:01:06.000000", "CookieSource": null } ] } }